
We have prepared the following guide to assist you with your electronic file preparation and submission. If you have a specific problem that is not covered in this guide, or have other questions, please feel free to contact us. Improperly prepared files can cause delays in manufacturing and may be printed as supplied.


Quick Checklist

• All fonts must embedded or in curves or outlines.

• Type is legible and crisp. Text smaller 8 point can be hard to read and below 6. Black text should not be in Rich Black, use 100% K only please.

• Margins, bleed and safety space are correct.

• Artwork matches the specified dimensions and you have separate front and back files.

• All linked files, images, and fonts are embedded.

• Colors are in CMYK mode. For critcal colors, please use a Pantone Color Bridge

• Page layout is correct. Each Sheet of paper is TWO pages. Front is page one and back is page two. Please order multipage jobs accordingly.


Feel free to use the templates available on each product page when making your design for a more convenient experience. You can also find a list with all of our templates here.

File Orientation

We always print head to head so if you rotate your artwork please make sure it's oriented correctly using our guide found here.


Only images with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher will look good. Avoid taking images directly from the web because they usually are 72 dpi or lower. Click here to learn more.


All relevant information and elements should be kept at least a 1/8" away from the trim line to prevent accidental cropping. The pictures and designs should be extended a 1/8" past the trim line, so that there is no white space or borders around the artwork after cutting. Files with less than 1/10th inch bleed will be placed on hold until new files are submitted. You can learn more about bleed here.


We recommend avoiding the use of borders in your design, since slight shifts during the cutting process make them look uneven. If you insist on using borders however, they should be at least 1/4" within the trim line. Learn more about border use here.

Color Matching

We do not offer color matching from run-to-run on gangrun jobs. We also do not match the exact colors shown on your screen. This shift is due to many different reasons, the most common we cover here.

RGB Color Shift

It is very important that you check if your files are in CMYK mode. Printing is done with CMYK inks, so if you send us your design in RGB there will be a color shift when converted.Click here to learn more.

Blue vs Purple

Be very careful when creating blues for print. Due to the difference in color range between CMYK and RGB, there could be some color shift when rendering the file for print. Here we give you some tips to avoid it.

Rich Black

There are times to use rich black, and some times NOT so good times. Read more about getting the best black printing results here.

Transparency Issues

With the use of transparencies in your design, you can create a lot of unique effects that look great on screen, but sometimes, they cause trouble when printed. If you want to learn more about it and how to fix them, click here.

Pantone Colors Issues

There are different ways in which Pantone colors affect how your job prints. It could be due to shadows, glows or transparency on top of a Pantone (PMS) Color, or by conversion to CMYK. Click here to learn more.

Folding Types

Here in IMP we offer a wide variety of folding options for your brochures. On this page, we guide you through each one of those, giving you a short explanation for each of them.

Font Problems

Sometimes fonts can change when printing or lose quality if you don't take the correct measures. Here we teach you what to do to avoid these problems.

Making a PDF in Word or Publisher

Whether you're utilizing Word or Publisher for your design, this helpful guide will walk you through the steps to save your work in PDF format. This ensures that you can send us a high-quality, easily readable file. Just click this link

Guidelines by File Type

The following outlines the specific file requirements by application. If you have any questions, please contact our graphics department.

PDF or Portable Document Format (Our Preferred File Format)

• Files should vector CMYK files for best output.
• Fonts should be converted to curves or outlined.
• Transparencies should not be used.

JPG or Jpeg

• Files should be 300 dpi at 100% of actual size for quality offset reproduction.
• Files should be saved at the highest resolution settings with the lowest compression.

Digital or Online Proofs

When you place an online order, your file will be uploaded to our online designer to visualize bleed, margins, and safety space. You can obtain a PDF of this proof by clicking on "Design Preview" within the designer. Please note that PDF Proofing files serve as electronic soft proofs, primarily intended to display the layout and design components of your project. However, they may not guarantee 100% color accuracy.